[tm-heading h2=”WELCOME TO ADDISON BRIGHT SLOANE” h4=”Working With Excellent Attorneys”]

Addison Bright Sloane has a reputation for providing an outstanding legal service. We deliver clear and practical advice to meet our clients’ needs and commercial objectives.
Our team is bright, globally minded, straight talking, dedicated and down to earth.

Africa is changing and with this change comes opportunities as well as risks. We can help you expand or consolidate your business into Ghana and the rest of Africa and navigate your way through the often complex regulations and environment underpinning business in Ghana and other parts of Africa. Ghana’s envious reputation as one of the most investor-friendly African countries and its determination to create an enabling environment for the private sector to flourish is attracting an unprecedented number of investors into the country.

Addison Bright Sloane was founded by two legal giants, Philip Addison and Vickie Bright, with a total of over 55 years’ experience

Our clients include a wide range of multinationals, FTSE 250 and Fortune 500 companies, SMEs, governments and public sector bodies and not-for-profit organisations. Our team is bright, globally minded, straight talking, dedicated and down to earth.

Addison Bright Sloane has a reputation for providing an outstanding legal service. We deliver clear and practical advice to meet our clients’ needs and commercial objectives.

We are very proud of the core values, which make up our culture. Our values reflect who we are and define our approach to our work, how we relate to our clients and to each other as a team.

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[tm-heading h2=”Meet Our Partners” txt_align=”center”]

Philip Addison

Philip is the Senior Partner and co-founder of Addison Bright Sloane.

Philip is a renowned and experienced litigator and is famously remembered as the Lead Counsel for the Petitioners in the landmark Ghana Presidential Election Petition case of 2012. His other core areas of expertise are joint ventures, foreign investments, project finance, licensing and regulation, shipping and maritime law, construction and company commercial law. He has a keen interest in the development of legal practice in Ghana and was until September 2012, the Vice-President of the Greater Accra Branch of the Ghana Bar Association for a continuous period of five (5) years.

Philip has acted for a number of listed companies, government agencies and corporates including Ghana Ports & Harbours Authority, International Development Corporation of South Africa and AngloGold Ashanti in relation to the construction of the Marriott Hotel in Accra, Precious Minerals Marketing Company Limited (PMMC), Hiperdist Ghana Limited, African Hospitality Limited and Marina Hotels.

Presently, Philip was chairman of a Ministerial team that reviewed Power Purchase  Agreements in the energy sector of Ghana. 

[tm-heading h2=”Philip Addison” txt_align=”center” h4=”Senior Partner”]

Victoria Bright

Victoria is the Managing Partner and co-founder of Addison Bright Sloane. She is qualified both in England & Wales and Ghana. Victoria has been practising for over 26 years, mostly in the UK where she trained at Taylor Wessing, a leading international law firm, and subsequently practised as a senior associate and then a partner at DLA Piper, one of the world’s largest law firms (by revenue). Victoria is responsible for overall management and international strategy of the firm and works closely with the firm’s Senior Partner. She also has responsibility together with the Senior Partner for business development and promotion of the firm in general.

Victoria is a former legal advisor to former President J A Kufuor and a former Minister of State.

While in the UK, Victoria regularly wrote articles and spoke at conferences on technology and corporate issues. She wrote the IT chapter of “The Euro in Law and Practice” and regularly chaired various technology and corporate conferences.

Victoria was chair of the legal sub-committee of a Ministerial team that reviewed Power Purchase Agreements in the energy sector of Ghana. 

[tm-heading h2=”Victoria Bright” txt_align=”center” h4=”Managing Partner”]

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5 days a week from 8:00am to 5:00pm

+233 30 397 1501

[tm-heading h2=”Welcome”]

As you navigate through our site, we aim to give you a flavour of who we are, the work we do, our business-oriented and innovative approach to service delivery and our unique culture.

We hope you enjoy your visit.

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[tm-team h2=”MEET OUR ATTORNEYS” txt_align=”left” boxdesign=”default” groupslug=”associates” order=”ASC” h4=”We are with awesome people”]


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